Immersive, site specific theatre play, inspired by the existentialism era. Audiences move freely through different spaces and create their own authentic experience in the world of CAFÉ EXISTANS.
When eight characters meet at the café on an ordinary evening, unusual things start to unfold. While having their favourite drink, they find themselves in life-changing situations. Together they join forces to inspire meaning to their lives, taking the audience along with them.
Director and playwright – Paulius Markevičius
Producer – Inga Galvanauskaitė
Actors – Jolanta Dapkūnaitė, Indrė Patkauskaitė, Vytautas Kaniušonis, Vygandas Vadeiša, Aistė Lasytė, Karolis Norvilas, Viktorija Žukauskaitė, Šarūnas Datenis
Set design – Sigita Šimkūnaitė
Costume design – Fausta Naujalė
Makeup – Karolina Rukšnaitytė
Music – Jonas Narbutas
Lights – Julius Kuršys
Choreography – Greta Grinevičiūtė
Director's assistant – Justina Biekšaitė
Technical manager – Vlad Bajaznyj
Dramaturgy consultant – Marija Kavtaradzė
Poster photography – Tomas Kauneckas
Campaign – Not Perfect Vilnius
Organiser – Tolyn Gilyn
Premiere - 2024 05 29
„Kauno pasakos“ pačiame miesto centre įvietina naujai sukurtas pasakas apie Kauną ir jo gyventojus. Pasakas sukūrė ir atvaizdavo devyni Kauno menininkai ir kūrėjai, remdamiesi Juliaus Kaupo knyga „Daktaras Kripštukas pragare“. Ši knyga – tai pasakų rinkinys, kurioje persipina filosofinės mintys, humoras, pasakų motyvai, išmintis ir amžinosios vertybės, joje atgyja Kauno paslaptys ir grožis.
Idėjos autoriai: Lukas Valiauga ir Justas Motuzas
Pasakas į Instagram filtrus pavertė: Lukas Valiauga ir Justas Motuzas
Projekto prodiuserės: Eglė Valadkevičiūtė ir Inga Galvanauskaitė
Iliustratorė: Agnė Žiūkaitė
Kūrėjai: Jokūbas Bateika, Tadas Zaranka, Karolis Skiparis, Loreta Valantiejienė, Jolanta Vilija Galdikaitė, Ieva Trišauskaitė, Marius Šablevičius, Ugnė Makselytė, Vytautas Mikalauskas.
Pasakos jūsų Instagram filtre skirtingose miesto vietose atgis nuo 2020 rugsėjo 12 d. Kviečiame ant grindinio ieškoti pasakų simbolių ir sekti Kauno pasakų maršrutu.
Projektas „Kauno pasakos“ yra ES programos „Kūrybiška Europa 2014-2020“ Platformų projekto „Stebuklingi kilimai“ („MagiC Carpets“) dalis. Rėmėjas Lietuvos kultūros taryba. Partneriai „Kaunas 2022”.
Dėkojame: Algiui Kaupui, Daliai Kaupienei-Augūnienei, Gediminui Kasparavičiui, Virginijai Paplauskienei, ADGO Reklama.
Client: MO Museum
My role: project management
Immersive soundscape exhibition project created for MO, Modern art museum in Vilnius, Lithuania. The project takes visitors on a journey through artist’s creative process, enabling the public to discover unique starting points that, in one way or another, led the artists shown in the exhibition to create their artworks.
The exhibition showcases the work of six contemporary Lithuanian artists whose work connects through the themes of distance, movement and the passing of time.
Blending the use of interactive technologies, experience design and sound art, the exhibition team has devised a system of objects to represent the starting point for each artwork seen in the exhibition. Scattered across the museum space, these objects wait for visitors to find them. When found, the objects have to be ‘woken up’. Triggers include a series of easy-to-guess interactions, such as knocking, lifting a lid, touching or spinning. When triggered, the objects come to life, each telling a specially curated story about an artist and their starting point for creating one of the artworks seen in the exhibition.
Rather than presenting an illustrated journey, the exhibition presents visitors with an immersive, soundscape-driven experience that draws an imaginary journey from an object to the artwork, making the journey an exciting experience to be discovered by children and adults alike.
The project is a collaboration between MO Museum and London-based interactive designers Inga Galvanauskaite, Lukas Valiauga and Justas Motuzas, and curators Marius Armonas and Gabriele Radzeviciute.
More videos:
Client: Bowers & Wilkins
Agency: Soon_
My role: project management
Bowers & Wilkins provide the audio technology behind iconic industry locations such as Abbey Road and Peter Gabriel’s Real World Studios.
One of their featured products is the PX headphones. These headphones are a highly innovative product, with multi-mode active noise cancellation, designed to deliver the highest quality audio in different urban listening environments.
For the PX headphones launch, as part of Soon_ agency team, I managed two launch campaign shoots: product shoot and lifestyle shoot.
For the lifestyle shoot we invited genuine credible recording artists instead of models - bringing an authenticity both implied and real. We projected both global scenes and audio waveform-inspired graphics directly on to the artists. This created an impactful, sound-inspired visual landscape to intrigue the viewer while discretely referencing product functionality.
This required extensive pre-production involving environmental footage and CG motion graphics layers that are tuned to each individual artists’ size and facial features, providing a beautiful and hypnotic visual effect.
Our product shoot was designed to show the product at its most inspirational, in pseudo-real environments, showing size & scale, usage scenarios, gender neutrality and material textures.
Client: Zippy, Portugal
Agency: Dalziel&Pow
My role: project management
While working at Dalziel & Pow agency, we produced three bespoke interactive installations for the new Zippy kidswear store in Setúbal, Portugal. The Sound Poster, Fun Receipt and Light up Rocket are tactile ‘pockets of play’ that help make the shopping experience more entertaining and inclusive for children.
A giant mouth on the cash desk prints out colour-in receipts featuring mazes and other games – a fun takeaway for kids. Meanwhile, the ‘Sound poster’ is a screen-printed wooden panel that uses conductive ink to trigger sounds for different characters when touched.
Lastly, the ‘Light-up Rocket’ allows kids to bring to life the rocket on the wall through the shop-floor launch button. Our Digital team worked closely with Graphics and Interiors to ensure the installation design complemented the style of the store as well as meeting functional and hardware restrictions.
Client: British Paralympic Association
Agency: Soon_
My role: project management
While working at Soon_ agency, I managed website design and build for the British Paralympic Association and ParalympicsGB team in preparation for the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Games.
The project involved rationalising and unifying the Team and Corporate websites in a bid to engage more fans, increase the reach and relevance of Paralympic sport and finally shift conversation away from disability to a celebration of elite sports.
We produced a single, integrated site with a simplified interface. We created a purer, highly accessible experience, with all Game and Event content incorporated into one site - tailored for PyeongChang 2018 but with one eye on Tokyo 2020.
Designed around the concept of Game-specific content cards, we built up a standardised, consistent design language allowing users to rapidly digest and navigate the site. We also improved the ability for users to navigate across content verticals by introducing a dynamic tagging system to richly interconnect content at a data level. Behind the scenes, the site leverages the latest technical paradigms embracing micro-services architecture and Google Kubernetes to manage provisioning and the demands of peaky traffic. Even keeping the site updated has been streamlined, with content delivered effortlessly through a custom designed modular publishing system.
Client: Dalziel & Pow
Agency: Dalziel&Pow
My role: project management
Retail Design Expo is Europe's leading event for retail technology, design and digital signage, taking place in London.
As part of Dalziel and Pow agency team, I have managed production the stand to represent the agency in Retail Design Expo.
We have created a space to stand out from the crowd as well as a conversation starter. Screen-printed illustrations spring to life when touched, as conductive ink triggers a host of playful digital animations – a mix of informative and charming content, from product information to brand stories to chasing ducks.
A total of 48 interactions and over 100 unique animations make up the broad spectrum of content on the stand, from simple sound toys to more complex exchanges that layer projection mapping and movement around a physical space.
Client: Paulius Markevičius
My role: project management, implementation
“Alberai WRU?” is a play, produced by actor and theatre director Paulius Markevičius. The play is based on biography and creativity of the French writer, philosopher and Nobel prize winner Albert Camus.
“Alberai WRU?” was touring throughout Lithuania and needed representation and promotion. I produced a simple website, that emphasises the uniqueness of the show, provides essential information and directs to tickets sales.
Client: Mamas & Papas, London
Agency: Dalziel&Pow
My role: project management
Mamas & Papas is UK-based retailer and manufacturer supplying prams, pushchairs, baby products, furniture and maternity wear.
While working at Dalziel & Pow agency, I managed the creation and production of digital installations in Mamas & Papas store in London.
Created with millennials in mind, this digitally enhanced store concept is designed to inspire and support young families. Moving digital wall projections of clouds – metamorphosing into animal shapes – enhance the environment, encouraging calm and imagination.
We designed a digital measuring tool both as a fun, interactive feature for children to play with in-store, matching up their size to a cast of animal characters, and a way of checking height and weight for car seats.
Client: The White Company
Agency: Dalziel&Pow
My role: project management
The White Company is a lifestyle brand with an emphasis on quality craftsmanship and timeless style.
Use of digital for The White Company store needed to be subtle and refined to fit with the lifestyle brand’s premium positioning. The solution was bespoke designs, text or animations being projected onto surfaces in five select locations around the store. The effect is intimate, elegant and a little magical.
Client: O2
Agency: Dalziel&Pow
My role: project management of the interactive and digital installations
O2 is the second biggest mobile telecommunications provider in Britain.
As part of the Dalziel&Pow agency team, I worked on O2 concept store in Manchester, UK. The concept was the store becoming a gateway to the latest events and regularly updated to tell relevant stories. An Attract & Inspire zone, including a set of reconfigurable digital screens, hosts brand takeovers at the start of the customer journey. For launch, this saw interactive display around the movie Star Wars: The Force Awakens. These flexible design elements ensure customers always have something fresh to discover and a reason to visit the stores.
Moving past the interactive inspiration zone, the customer comes to the heart of the store – ‘Discover’ – where a large architectural community table offers everything from workshops to phone-charging pads. Hidden projectors overlay animations and messages onto the table, inviting customers to explore and enjoy the space. Expressing local culture is also central to the concept; even before the stores opened we created hoardings with illustrations of each city’s skyline, and at the Manchester branch interactive films featured local people saying what they love about their city and culture.
Client: Dunelm
Agency: 101 London
My role: project management
Dunelm is one the UK's leading home furnishing retailers. While working at ad agency 101 London, I managed the production of Dunelm’s Autumn campaign.
With temperatures cooling and nights drawing in, people instinctively spend more time indoors. To celebrate this, the Autumn campaign for Dunelm under the headline ‘Get Comfy’ features Dunelm’s products that people need to make the Autumn transition as comfortable and cosy as possible.
I worked on production of the press, outdoor, online and radio ads.